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Greek referendum — the right step at a dangerously wrong time


For the past 48 hours, the rest of Europe and, indeed, the rest of the world have watched Greece come unhinged. Greece Flag Icon

In a speech shortly after midnight Friday night, prime minister Alexis Tspiras announced that instead of continuing negotiations between the Greek government and the Eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers, he would call off talks to hold a referendum next Sunday, July 5, thereby putting the question to the Greek people — will they accept the terms of the latest deal with Greece’s creditor institutions or will they reject it?

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RELATED:  What are the chances of snap elections (again) in Greece?

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Never mind that the creditors’ offer could be moot by next Sunday.

Never mind that Greece faces, at best, a technical default on Tuesday.

Never mind that the referendum caught everyone else in Europe off guard, eliminating what little goodwill Greece had left.

Never mind that Greece’s constitution seems to forbid direct referenda on fiscal matters.

Never mind that it seems to be accelerating a financial crisis now mandating extraordinary measures in Athens.
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