Lesotho’s opposition parties have done better than expected in the election and are now in discussions to replace the r
uling Lesotho Congress of Democracy. The leading opposition party is the All Basotho Convetion, headed by former LCD member and former foreign minister Tom Thabane. Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili has been in office in Lesotho, a small African kingdom of 2 million people, completely surrounded by South Africa, since 1998.
More polling data from Greece showing that New Democracy is surging.
More polling data from Greece showing that SYRIZA is surging.
Which European country is the biggest slacker?
La Presse has the latest polling numbers from Quebec (the headline finding is that Liberals and PC are tied).
Hollande-Merkel schism watch: Syria.
The afterlife of former British prime minister Tony Blair.
Kim Han-gill may be outpacing former South Korean prime minister Lee Hae-chan to become leader of the Democratic United Party. Presidential elections will be held in December.