Indian Lok Sabha elections: Phases 1 and 2


Voting today ended in the second phase of India’s marathon election. So what was at stake in the first two rounds?India Flag Icon

Not much.

The two rounds were confined to the ‘seven sister states’ in India’s far northeastern corner, nudged to the east of Bangladesh and to the west of China and Burma. The seven states, just southeast of the Himalayas, are home to just 45 million of India’s 1.24 billion citizens. Part of the area is claimed by the People’s Republic of China, an issue that has long strained the bilateral Indo-Chinese relationship — China claims significant part of Arunachal Pradesh as ‘south Tibet.’

Bangladeshi migration into the region has also been one of the more politically fraught issues in recent years.

The first round, which kicked off on April 7, included just six constituencies:

  • Assam selected representatives in five out of 14 constituencies.
  • Tripura selected representatives in one of its two constituencies. The state is governed by neither of India’s major parties, but instead by the Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPM, भारत की कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी (मार्क्सवादी), which could win both seats.

The second round included nearly just as few (seven):

  • Arunachal Pradesh selected both of its representatives.
  • Meghalaya selected both of its representatives.
  • Manipur selected one of its two representatives.
  • Mizoram was scheduled to vote for its sole representative, but that vote was been delayed until April 11.
  • Nagaland selected its sole representative. The Naga People’s Front (NPM), a regional party and a member of the BJP’s National Democratic Alliance (NDA) dominates the state. 

The seven states contribute just 24 seats to the 543-member Lok Sabha (लोक सभा), and the key prize is Assam, with 14 seats.

Although the governing Indian National Congress (Congress, भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस) is facing annihilation elsewhere across the country, its chances in Assam look good. The largest pre-election poll, conducted by NDTV, estimates that Congress could actually make real gains, winning up to 12 seats in the state.

Tarun Gogoi, the state’s popular chief minister, has held power since 2001, and Congress dominates the state’s legislative assembly. The Bharatiya Janata Party (the BJP, भारतीय जनता पार्टी) has only a minor presence in the state, and competes against several Assam-based regional parties. That may be changing somewhat as Narendra Modi, the BJP prime ministerial candidate, and his allies wage a national campaign, but Assam will certainly be one of the few states where Congress seems destined to shine, notwithstanding its potential collapse at the national level.

Lok Sabha Schedule: 2014 elections


For those of you who might be keeping track at home, here’s a chart of the nine phases of India’s elections between April 7 and May 12.India Flag Icon

Tomorrow, on April 10, India kicks of the first ‘major’ phase of the election — after holding votes in just 13 constituencies in the first two round earlier this week (and the election in Mizoram state has now actually been delayed until April 11), fully 92 constituencies will kick off voting across 14 states and territories, including all of the seats in Delhi, Haryana and Kerala.

India, throughout all nine phases, will vote in 543 constituencies to the Lok Sabha (लोक सभा), the House of the People, the lower house of India’s parliament.

In addition, it’s worth noting that three states will hold elections for their own legislative assemblies simultaneously:

  • Odisha (formerly Orissa): Phases 3 and 5 (April 10, April 17).
  • Sikkim: Phase 4 (April 17).
  • Andhra Pradesh: Phases 7 and 8 (April 30, May 7).

The results are expected to be announced on May 16.

Image credit to IBNLive.

Round: 1 2 3 4 5  6  7  8  9
 Date: 7-Apr 9-Apr 10-Apr 12-Apr 17-Apr 24-Apr 30-Apr 7-May 12-May
State/Territory Total
Uttar Pradesh 80 10 11 12 14 15 18
Maharashtra 48 10 19 19
Andhra Pradesh 42 17 25
West Bengal 42 4 6 9 6 17
Bihar 40 6 7 7 7 7 6
Tamil Nadu 39 39
Madhya Pradesh 29 9 10 10
Karnataka 28 28
Gujarat 26 26
Rajasthan 25 20 5
Odisha 21 10 11
Kerala 20 20
Assam 14 5 3 6
Jharkhand 14 4 6 4
Punjab 13 13
Chhattisgarh 11 1 3 7
Haryana 10 10
National Capital Territory of Delhi 7 7
Jammu and Kashmir 6 1 1 1 1 2
Uttarakhand 5 5
Himachal Pradesh 4 4
Arunachal Pradesh 2 2
Goa 2 2
Manipur 2 1 1
Meghalaya 2 2
Tripura 2 1 1
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (terr.) 1 1
Chandigarh (terr.) 1 1
Dadra and Nagar Haveli (terr.) 1 1
Daman and Diu (terr.) 1 1
Lakshadweep (terr.) 1 1
Mizoram 1 1
Nagaland 1 1
Puducherry (terr.) 1 1
Sikkim 1 1
TOTAL 543 6 7 91 7 121 117 89 64 41

‘Jokowi’ effect falls flat for PDI-P in Indonesia election results


Despite polls that showed Indonesia’s opposition Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P, Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan) would win what amounts to a landslide victory in Indonesia’s parliamentary elections today on the strength of its president candidate Joko Widodo (‘Jokowi’), it won something more like a conventional victory, disappointing fans — and demonstrating that Jokowi’s win in the July 9 presidential election, though likely, isn’t certain.Indonesia Flag

Final election results and allocations of seats in the Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR, People’s Representative Council) won’t be available until May. But quick counts conducted by several media and other groups show that, despite predictions, the PDI-P may not have even reached the 20% hurdle in the national vote that would allow it to nominate Jokowi for president without another party as its ally.

Here’s the count from Indonesia’s Centre for Strategic and International Studies:

indonesia2014 copy

In brief, here’s a look at the winners and losers: Continue reading ‘Jokowi’ effect falls flat for PDI-P in Indonesia election results