First Past the Post: September 10

The International Foundation for Electoral Systems is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

A superb profile of incoming Quebec premier Pauline Marois.

More commentators join the bandwagon in favor of a (very unlikely) federal Liberal leadership run by former Quebec premier Jean Charest.

More commentators join the bandwagon in favor of a (very unlikely) Tory leadership run by London mayor Boris Johnson.

Defeated president candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is leaving his party, the Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD), to form a new youth-based movement on the Mexican left.

The shortlist of Booker Prize novels will be announced tomorrow.

The field in December’s South Korean presidential election remains unsettled.

Germany’s top constitutional court will rule on the European Stability Mechanism this week.

While talks between the ‘troika’ and the Greek government continue, there are signs that German chancellor Angela Merkel has changed her mind about a potential ‘Grexit.’

A roundup on the Dutch election campaigns with just two days to go before voting.

France’s wealthiest man is seeking Belgian citizenship.

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