Tag Archives: OAIS

Suffragio has won ‘Honorable Mention’ in OAIS’s ‘Most Promising New Blog’ award


It appears as if the results for the Online Achievement in International Studies blogging awards have been announced as of a reception last night, and so I can share some very good news.

I’m happy to report that Suffragio was the runner-up in the ‘Most Promising New Blog’ category, winning Honorable Mention — that’s pretty high praise as far as I’m concerned for a project that started as a part-time blog in between billable hours at a law firm.

The winner? Political Violence @ a Glance, a blog authored by two political scientists, Barbara F. Walter at the University of California San Diego and Erica Chenoweth at the University of Denver.  So go check them out!  And really, go check out all of the blogs nominated for this award and the other awards, finalists and non-finalists alike.  I was especially delighted to discover  Ottomans and Zionists (which, as you might guess, has had plenty of material of late on Israeli-Turkish relations).

Many thanks to the following folks:

  • the readers and fans who voted for my blog in the awards and powered it into the finalist round.
  • the final-round judges (whose identities still remain somewhat mysterious) who liked what they saw at Suffragio.
  • Georgetown University’s Dan Nexon, the International Studies Association and the Duck of Minerva for putting together the awards in the first place.

If you’re wondering, The Disorder of Things won the ‘Best Group Blog,’ Daniel Drezner at Foreign Policy won ‘Best Individual Blog,’  and John M. Hobson over at The Disorder of Things won the ‘Best Blog Post’ award for ‘Eurocentrism, Racism: What’s in a Word?

To anyone from the ISA who stumbles upon my blog as a result: let me know what you like (or don’t like).  Or if you want to contribute, I’m always looking for guest posts on non-U.S. politics and policymaking.

Finally, one quick shameless plug: be sure to catch all of Suffragio‘s coverage of the Venezuelan election next week — I’ll be in the thick of it reporting and writing from Caracas.

Photo credit to SAGE Connection.


Suffragio has been nominated as 2013’s ‘Most Promising New Blog’

It’s somewhat of a New Year’s treat to have been nominated for the 2013 Online Achievement in International Studies awards over at The Duck of Minerva, a top academic international studies blogging forum.

Suffragio has been nominated for 2013’s ‘Most Promising New Blog,’ which is an incredible honor, given that Suffragio remains a one-man show for someone whose day job is outside international affairs.  So while my blog has always been a work of love rather than my primary occupation, it’s really great to see that many of my readers enjoy and value Suffragio‘s analysis of world politics.

And it’s been a lot of fun reading the other blogs up for various awards, many of which I was already familiar and some of which are new to me.

So thank you!

A little background from Duck of Minerva:

The 2013 Most Promising New Blog (Group or Individual) OAIS prize will be awarded to blog, founded in 2011 or 2012, that displays the most promise for ongoing contribution to the intellectual vibrancy of the international-studies blogging community…. Finalists will be selected by popular vote, which will run from 5 January-31 January 2013. We will conduct the vote via online survey. In order to register as a voter, email us.

So I’m not entirely sure who is eligible to register as a voter, but if you’re a regular reader and you want to help Suffragio obtain a little positive notoriety, by all means, please register and vote for Suffragio before January 31!

In the meanwhile, for anyone who has come to my blog via Duck of Minerva, see some of the top Suffragio posts from the past year below the jump.

Thanks again! Continue reading Suffragio has been nominated as 2013’s ‘Most Promising New Blog’