First Past the Post: December 4

South Korea holds its first of three presidential debates.

Angel Merkel officially launches her bid for a third term as Germany’s chancellor.

Artur Mas hasn’t given up on a broad left-right separatist coalition in Catalunya.

More anti-Morsi demonstrations in Cairo with 11 days before the snap constitutional referendum.

Two Kenyans facing trial in the International Criminal Court will run on a joint ticket in March elections.

Nana Akufo-Addo leads very narrowly in the latest poll for Ghana’s presidential election on Friday.

A Paraguayan peasant leader has been murdered.

The Dutch government has a Senate problem.

Foreign Policy interviews a cagey Ehud Olmert, although Olmert is virtually certain not to run in the upcoming election.

Labor’s leader Shelly Yacimovich and former Labor leader Amir Peretz are fighting over whether Labor could ever join a coalition under Benjamin Netanyahu.

Deputy (Likud!) prime minister Dan Meridor may lead Ehud Barak’s Independence party in January.

Ukraine’s government under prime minister Mykola Azarov has resigned.

Seven Kadima MKs are leaving Kadima to run under the Tzipi Livni Party banner in the January Knesset elections.

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