First Past the Post: September 13

Québec liberals have a new interim party leader in Jean-Marc Fournier.

@USEmbassyCairo snarks the Muslim Brotherhood on Twitter for talking out of both sides of its mouth (one Arabic, one English).

Juan Cristóbal Nagel at Caracas Chronicles does not care for Venezuelan presidential candidate Henrique Capriles’s pandering on continuing (and expanding) the Misiones social programs of president Hugo Chávez.

David Remnick’s home-run piece on Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cold war with U.S. president Barack Obama.

The Diplomat on China’s “one country, two systems” and why it might be collapsing.

The Economist‘s Banyan blog pans Rahul Gandhi.

Henk Kamp, the current social affairs minister, will lead the cabinet formation process in the Netherlands following yesterday’s election.

Chinese leader-in-waiting Xi Jinping resurfaces after a 13-day absence.


One thought on “First Past the Post: September 13”

  1. Every thing discussed here is corcret! There should always be back up files. Many companies have been doing that so far, because most likely, they have already experienced losing files, and they don’t want that to happen again. I think it’s easy to store back up files already, because computers can be installed with programs that automatically stores your files in another space. Computers, just like what we know, are always making things easier for us to do!

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