First Past the Post: August 9

The great Teddy Bear War of 2012 between Sweden and Belarus intensifies.

Per The Economist‘s Banyan, India gets a new anti-corruption party.

Will Anglophone Quebeckers be tempted away from Jean Charest’s Liberals by the center-right Coalition Avenir Québec?

All eyes in China (and Hong Kong) are fixed on the the murder trial of Gu Kailai, the wife of disgraced Chongqing chief Bo Xilai.

Lebanon’s current “March 8” government, headed by Tripoli businessman Nijab Mikati, has not surprisingly drafted an elections law that would benefit the “March 8” coalition against the “March 14” coalition.

Libya’s National Transition Council hands over power to the new 200-seat electoral assembly in the other Tripoli.

Why the Israeli left can’t effectively market itself.


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