One thought on “NEOs”

  1. Like the blog post. A few clarifications:

    1. Party name is NEOS also rewritten as neos or Neos (S is part of the name) – founded in October 2012.
    2. NEOS name is used for the current electoral platform of 4 parities: NEOS, LIF (Liberal Forum), JuLis (Young Liberal), Online Party.
    3. Matthias Strolz remains the lead candidate but Hans-Peter Hasselsteiner has the role of one of the potential ministerial team.
    4. NEOS are primarily competing for voters with the OVP and Greens, but will also secure some support from disgruntled Centrist former SPO voters. FPO and Team Stronach are fishing in a different pond.
    5. NEOS has not ’emphasised hostility to the Eurozone’ as it is the most pro-EU party in the campaign.
    6. NEOS Centre, Centre-Right, Centre Left, or Right. Different opponents put them in different boxes. Internally, seems to be some debate between Centre/Centre Right. Party is a mix of Economic Liberals, Christian Democrats, Realist Greens, Centrists, Social Liberals – a broad Liberal base. Matthias Strolz has emphasised the broad Centre.

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